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The Huron East Chamber Philosophy

The Huron East Chamber of Commerce connects businesses in the various towns and villages of Huron East. The Chamber also welcomes other businesses in the region as associate members. Chamber membership gives you a united voice in the community and puts you in touch with news, current trends and opportunities in the marketplace in general and in the Municipality of Huron East in particular. The Chamber fosters a healthy business environment to improve the quality of life by helping businesses remain competitive and thereby creating new jobs.

New directions for the Huron East Chamber of Commerce

HECC has been supporting businesses and their bottom line by providing Chamber-sponsored discounts for a wide range of services that would otherwise not be available to Huron East businesses.

As part of our services to members and the public, we launched the Huron East Chamber web site in 2010.

Another project we have recently taken on is to assist Huron East high school graduates. $250 scholarships will be awarded to four graduates going on to post secondary education and living in Huron East. High school students attending F.E Madill in Wingham, Central Huron C.I and St. Anne’s both in Clinton and Goderich C.I. are eligible.

It is important to give back to the community and encouraging high school graduates in their quest for knowledge and certification is a fitting start.

The Chamber welcomes news of other opportunities to encourage trade and business development in Huron East.

Click here to contact us if you have an idea.